The Toyota TSE500 tow tractor is a high-performance tow tractor, offering capacities up to 5 tonnes and travel speeds up to 12 km/h. Towing solutions offer significant benefits for advanced order picking, long-distance load transportation, or specialised transports within lean manufacturing.
Excels at high-volume, low-level order picking and horizontal transport, ideal for distribution and manufacturing applications.
(Overseas model shown. For full Australian specifications please refer to product brochures supplied by TMHA or contact TMHA for more details).
Compact stand-in towing tractors for horizontal transport with frequent on/off.
Low step-in and optional vibration-damped floor.
E-man control system can be moved to either side of the truck to facilitate ‘walk-with’ operation.
Smart tow tractor: easy to connect, monitor & improve.
Programmable travel speeds and quick acceleration also allow operators to boost throughput and pick rates.
Usage intensity is medium to high, great performer for manufacturing and warehousing.
The Toyota Powerdrive system features advanced electronics, software, and an energy-efficient AC drive motor for fast acceleration and braking. It also allows customisable performance settings and automatically regenerates energy while operated.
The TSE500 enables you to move more for less.
Its rugged components and tough construction ensure years of reliable use.